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Promoting Women's Empowerment

To Become a Company That Allows Women to Advance Their Careers

In promoting diversity & inclusion, the Group considers women’s empowerment as an important management strategy that leads to business growth and strengthens it.
To date, the Group has built a women-friendly work environment including well-developed childcare support systems. Going forward, we will strengthen support for women’s career advancement and aim to become a company that can realize easiness to work as well as job satisfaction. To this end, with a strong commitment of the top management, we will promote initiatives with a focus on corporate culture, systems and education as three pillars for promoting women’s empowerment.

Appointment of Female Managers

The Group utilizes human resources on the basis of their individual abilities, aptitudes, ambitions, etc. regardless of gender. At the same time, in order to support female employees who are raising children, we have in place systems that exceed statutory limits. As a result, women can work continuously even if there are some changes in their life stages.
In addition, selective training called "Career Forum" was held for women who are expected to play an active role in the future. Training was provided on leadership skills and the mindset required to become a manager.

Linkage to Officer Remuneration

As a non-financial indicator of performance-linked stock-based officer remuneration, we set the “share of women in management positions at 31%” (at the end of fiscal 2026), which is also linked to a materiality KPI for 2026, to clarify the management’s responsibility for achieving the target.

Appointment of Female Directors

J. Front Retailing has three female Directors (one Inside Director and two Outside Directors) of a total of 10 Directors as of the end of May 2024. Female Directors account for 30%.

The State of Appointment of Women to Management Positions in the Group

(as of the end of February 2024)

The Group women in management positions
No. of women Total number of people Percentage of women
General Manager




Department managers








*The ratio of female employees on a consolidated basis is 53.5%.

Wage differences between men and women in the JFR Group*

Ratio of gender pay gap (%)

All workers


of which regular employees


of which non-regular employees


(Notes and Explanation)
Period covered: FY2023 (March 1, 2023 to February 29, 2024)
Wages: excluding commuter allowance, etc.
Regular employee: Employees (including employees seconded outside the company)
Non-regular employee: full-time employees, partners, contract workers, retirees rehired on contract basis
※Difference in wages of men and women = average annual wage of women/average annual wage of men × 100 (%)

Women’s Empowerment Promotion Project

In April 2022, we set up the Women’s Empowerment Promotion Project directly under the President and Representative Executive Officer. The members selected from each operating company (men and women mainly in their 30s to 40s) extracted each company’s challenges in promoting women’s empowerment and discussed the creation of the environment in which women can exercise their individuality and abilities to the fullest. Finally, the project members made recommendations to the President and Representative Executive Officer to lead them to the top commitment.
The Group would like to foster corporate and organizational cultures in which not only women but diverse employees are empowered through this project.

Members of Women’s Empowerment Promotion Project

Action Plan on Women's Empowerment Promotion

Daimaru Matsuzakaya Department Stores has formulated an action plan so that all employees can work and raise their children at the same time and exercise their full potential.

・Daimaru Matsuzakaya Department Stores Co. Ltd. general business owner action plan based on the Women's Participation Promotion Act

Number of New Employees of J. Front Retailing (FY2024)

Male Female Total
Daimaru Matsuzakaya Department Stores








Hakata Daimaru




Daimaru Kogyo




J. Front Design & Construction




JFR Information Center




Parco Space Systems




Consumer Product End-Use Research Institute Co., Ltd. (Merchandise test and quality control)








*Percentage of female employees of total new employees: 63.0%

Mother Recruitment

Recently, while more and more women are entering into the workforce, they leave their jobs for childbirth at a high rate, which has become a social issue. We launched the “Mother Recruitment” program in fiscal year 2017 to hire experts who left their jobs for child care. 26 people were hired by February 2024 and they are working for legal, finance, real estate and other divisions using their expertise and skills.

JFR Women’s School

We opened the “JFR Women’s School” in fiscal year 2018 for short-time workers of the Group who keep working while raising children. They aim to continuously enhance their career by acquiring time management and leadership skills, financial knowledge and others to perform at their best within a limited time.

Numbers of operation days and participants of JFR Women's School

Fiscal year 2022

4 times 33 people

Fiscal year 2023

4 times 33 people

Creation of a Pleasant Working Environment for Women

From the perspective of ease of working, various systems are in place as listed below and we will improve such systems and take measures to help women perform better and increase productivity.

Daimaru Matsuzakaya Department Stores Childcare-related systems at Daimaru Matsuzakaya Department Store which exceed statutory requirements
・Childcare leave Up to the last day of the month in which a child enters elementary school (Statuary maximum: up to 2 years of age)
・Shortened working hours for childcare Up until the last day of the month in which the child enters junior high school (Statutory maximum: up to three years of age)
・Sick/injured childcare leave: paid (paid leave not required by law)
・Childcare support leave: up to three days a year, regardless of the number of children, until the last day of the month when the child enters elementary school (not required by law)
・Spousal maternity leave: one-day pay (not required by law)

※External recognition about promoting women's empowerment

Average Length of Service of Employees of Daimaru Matsuzakaya Department Stores

(as of end of February 2024)


24.9 years


19.5 years


21.5 years

*Percentage of length of service of female employees in composition to male employees: 78.3%

Empowering diverse human resources to shine