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Promotion of the Elderly Empowerment

Introduction of Retirement at 65

JFR has introduced a mandatory retirement age of 65, and seven Group companies (J. Front Retailing, Daimaru Matsuzakaya Department Store, JFR Card, J. Front City Development, Daimaru Kogyo, JFR Information Center) have also done so as of July 2024.This is not a conventional re-hiring system, but would actually employ personnel as company employees beyond age 60. It would demand expansion of occupational fields and greater than previous levels of results and contribution, appropriate to employment categories. As such, we also aim to raise productivity and added value by making the most of the skills and expertise of employees of advanced age. In future, we think it is important for employees of advanced age to go beyond conveying their learned skills and knowledge to successors, and to learn new skills and knowledge. To that end, we are working to build training programs for recurrent (re-learning) education.

Post-retirement reemployment program

The operating companies that have not introduced retirement at 65 have in place a post-retirement reemployment program. Basically, these companies rehire employees who reach 60, if desired.

*In principle, all employees who want to be reemployed are reemployed under the revised Act on Stabilization of Employment of Elderly Persons, which came into effect on April 1, 2013, unless they cannot provide labor.

My Life Plan Seminar

The “My Life Plan Seminar” is held for employees aged 53 and over to help make their life after retirement rich. Lecturers from inside and outside the Company provide various information on the future economic design (pension, asset building, etc.), healthcare (improvement of lifestyle including mental aspects, etc.), job satisfaction and purposes in life for employees before reaching the retirement age. They also provide advice on creating a future life plan. In fiscal year 2023, 382 employees attended the Seminar.

My Life Plan Seminar held in the Tokyo area

Empowering diverse human resources to shine