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Participation in Initiatives

United Nations Global Compact

J. Front Retailing Group (the “Group”) signed the United Nations Global Compact (the “UN Global Compact”) on October 17, 2018.

The Group has strived for many years to develop as a fair and reliable corporation by practicing the “customer-first principle” and “contribution to society” under the spirit of its corporate credos “Service before profit” and “Abjure all evil and practice all good.” Based on this belief, we set a vision “Create and Bring to Life ‘New Happiness’” and strive to make customers’ futures happy. To this end, we aim to realize sustainable management based on the places where we communicate with customers. Individual workers, workplaces, and the environments that support them all are very important to make our communication places fruitful.

Initiatives on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption, which are advocated by the UN Global Compact, are essential to value these communication places and we greatly agree with its spirit.

By signing the UN Global Compact, we will comply with its ten principles and fulfill our responsibilities as a corporate citizen more than ever. At the same time, we will be committed to achieving SDGs.

《UN Global Compact》
The UN Global Compact is a voluntary initiative under which businesses and other organizations participate in a global framework to act as good members of society and realize sustainable growth by demonstrating responsible and creative leadership. Businesses are expected to comply with the ten principles in the four areas including “human rights,” “labor,” “environment” and “anti-corruption.”

<The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact>

Human rights Businesses should:
1. support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
2. make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.
Labor Businesses should:
3. uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
4. uphold the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor;
5. uphold the effective abolition of child labor; and
6. uphold the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.
Environment Businesses should:
7. support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
8. undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
9. encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
Anti-corruption Businesses should:
10. work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

For details of the UN Global Compact: UN Global Compact

Joined RE100

The JFR Group joined RE100 (100% Renewable Electricity) in October 2020. RE100 is a global initiative that aims to source 100% renewable energy to power business operations. Going forward, we will make proactive efforts across the Group to achieve our SBTi-approved targets by expanding the use of renewable energy and other measures based on the JFR Group's 2050 Net Zero Transition Plan*. In 2023 the share of renewable energy reached 52.9%, and we aim to increase that figure to 60% in 2030 and 100% in 2050.

*JFR Group's 2050 Net Zero Transition

Receives Certification from the SBT initiative for Its Net-Zero Target

In February 2023, the Group has received certification from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)*1 for its net-zero*2 target.
In October 2021, SBTi established a new Corporate Net-Zero Standard to evaluate and certify companies' efforts to reach net-zero emissions. This standard requires companies to reduce GHG emissions by at least 90% by 2050 across their value chains to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. It also requires that companies neutralize residual emissions at the net-zero target date and any GHG emissions released into the atmosphere thereafter.We recognize that the certification we have received confirms that our net-zero target meets the standard set by the SBTi and is a science-based one.
The Group will take more proactive measures such as the expansion of the share of renewable energy and waste reduction to achieve the targets approved by the SBTi.

GHG emissions reduction targets approved by the SBTi

  • Reach net-zero GHG emissions across our value chain by 2050
    (Reduce Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions by 90% and neutralize residual emissions through absorption by afforestation, CCUS, etc.)
Interim targets (Certified again as an SBTi “1.5°C target” in fiscal 2021)
  • Reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 60% by fiscal 2030
  • Reduce Scope 3 GHG emissions by 40% by fiscal 2030
(All compared to fiscal 2017)

*1 Established in 2014 by the collaboration of CDP, the UN Global Compact, World Resources Institute (WRI), and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) to enable companies to set ambitious emission reduction targets in line with the latest climate science

*2 To thoroughly reduce GHG emissions and reduce the remaining emissions to virtually zero after subtracting the amount of emissions removed through forest absorption and CCS (CO2 capture and storage), etc.

Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

J Front Retailing supports the final report (TCFD recommendations) released by the “Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD),” which was set up by the Financial Stability Board (FSB), and at the same time, has joined the “TCFD Consortium” launched on May 27, 2019.
Going forward, we will promote dialogue with other companies and financial institutions that support these recommendations by participating in the TCFD Consortium to effectively disclose information on how we address the risks and opportunities posed by climate change and our initiatives to achieve the long-term CO2 reduction target for reducing CO2.

JCI (Japan Climate Initiative)

JCI is a network of companies, local governments, NGOs, and others who agree to proactively tackle climate change and achieve a decarbonized society.  J. Front Retailing joined in September 2018. Members of a specialized division actively participate in seminars and study sessions and closely monitor climate change and renewable energy-related trends to utilize the information in JFR's initiatives. They also actively lobby the Japanese government and regulatory authorities through initiatives such as those by JCI.

<Endorsement of JCI messages>
The Company endorses the following JCI messages to date.
“Message to the Japanese Government Calling for an Ambitious 2030 Targets to Realize the Paris Agreement” published in April 2021. This message calls on the Japanese government to set a GHG reduction target over 45% for 2030 and a renewable energy target of 40-50% for 2030.
“Overcoming Two Crises with Renewable Energy and Carbon Pricing” published in April 2023. This message calls on the Japanese government to supply the vast majority of electricity from renewable energy sources by 2035, and to introduce an effective carbon pricing system that will see tangible outcomes earlier than currently planned to ensure that Japan’s 2030 emission reduction target is achieved and further enhanced.

For details of the Japan Climate Initiative:
Japan Climate Initiative

Participation in TNFD Forum

In November 2023, J. Front Retailing (JFR) endorsed the philosophy of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)*1 and joined the TNFD Forum*2 to support its activities. Based on the TNFD's disclosure framework, JFR will scrutinize the relationship between the Group's business activities and natural capital (dependence and impact) as well as risks and opportunities. The Company will also promote proactive information disclosure from the four perspectives recommended by the TNFD: governance, strategy, risk and impact management, and indicators and targets.

*1 TNFD is an international organization with a framework for disclosing the impact of nature-related risks and opportunities on corporate finance. It aims to encourage companies and financial institutions to disclose information on natural capital and to shift the flow of global capital from nature-negative outcomes to nature-positive outcomes.

*2 The TNFD Forum is comprised of corporations, government agencies, academic institutions, and other organizations with expertise in a wide range of fields, providing support for the development of disclosure frameworks and sharing information related to TNFD.

Women’s Empowerment Principles

We signed the Principles and were approved on October 4, 2018. They are a set of principles of action developed through a partnership between the UN Global Compact and UN Women to actively address initiatives to help empower women. By signing these Principles, we actively implement initiatives for women and aim to create an environment where all women are empowered.

For details of the Women’s Empowerment Principles:
Empower Women

Keidanren’s Challenge Initiatives for 30% of Executives to be Women by 2030

In June, 2021, the Company expressed support for the Challenge Initiatives for 30% of Executives to be Women by 2030 by Japan Business Federation (“Keidanren”).
This initiative is intended to create a movement to achieve the target for 30% of executives to be women by 2030, which was set in “. The NEW Growth Strategy” announced by Keidanren in November 2020.
By supporting this initiative, we will make more effort than ever to promote diversity and inclusion.

Keidanren special website: