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Promoting Health and Productivity Management

Based on the basic thinking that “employees are the company’s greatest asset and that the employees’ physical and mental well-being are crucial for us to provide better services to customers,” we promote continuous thorough implementation of occupational health and safety measures according to the JFR Principles of Action, the reduction of accidents, initiatives to maintain and improve employees’ health.
And in cooperation with the health insurance association, we promote the prevention of pulmonary tuberculosis, one of global infectious diseases, the prevention of lifestyle diseases, and mental health care, among others.

J. Front Retailing Health Declaration

J. Front Retailing Group (the “Group”) aims for the Well-Being Life (both mentally and physically fulfilling life) by realizing the Group Vision “Create and Bring to Life ‘New Happiness.’” To this end, we think it is very important that individual employees live a Well-Being Life and are happy.
Health underlies Well-Being Life. Health is essential for employees themselves and their families and it is the management foundation of the Group that considers human resources as its most important assets.
With this recognition, the Group will actively work to maintain and improve the mental and physical health of employees and thereby bring energy to the company to realize growth.

September 2021

Director, President and Representative Executive Officer
J. Front Retailing Co., Ltd.

Organizational Structure for Health and Productivity Management

J. Front Retailing Group (the “Group”) is promoting company-wide efforts for health and productivity management with an Executive Officer in charge of human resources at J. Front Retailing (the “Company”) as a responsible person. The Human Resources Strategy Unit plays a central role in these efforts. It uses the Group Human Resources Liaison Meeting and the Safety and Health Committee* and works with the human resources division and industrial doctors of each operating company and the health insurance associations of the Group to maintain and improve health.
* Composed of management and labor. Half of the committee members are nominated by the labor union or labor representatives. Meets once a month.
The Safety and Health Committee at each operating company is chaired by the president of the company or a person responsible for human resources or equivalent duties and works with the human resources division, industrial doctors, and industrial health staff of each company and the health insurance associations of the Group to identify and confirm the status of people with illness. The Group Human Resources Liaison Meeting is hosted by the Company’s Human Resources Strategy Unit and attended by each company’s person responsible for human resources. The meeting provides an opportunity to share health-related initiatives and issues, including the status of the Safety and Health Committee meetings held, the status of employee illness, and stress checks, and discuss to resolve the issues.

<Rate of regular health examinees (Daimaru Matsuzakaya Department Stores)>

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of expected examinees






Number of actual examinees






Rate of actual examinees






<Implementation status of stress checks (Daimaru Matsuzakaya Department Stores)>

The Japanese government has required employers to conduct the stress check program since December 2015. We conducted stress checks by providing questionnaires to all employees previously, but from FY2016 onward, the method has changed to online surveys and we provide follow-up care based on their results.
Daimaru Matsuzakaya Department Stores and Parco provide Employee Assistance Program (EAP) counseling services by external specialist organizations.

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Number of expected respondents






Number of actual respondents






Rate of actual respondents






<Presenteeism Survey Results for FY2023 (Daimaru Matsuzakaya Department Store)>

Respondents: 3,521
Average response rate: 84.0%
Presenteeism (loss ratio): 16.0

*Presenteeism, or "attendance at work despite medical illness,” refers to a situation in which employees are physically present at the workplace but not operating at maximum capability due to a health issue of some kind.
*The calculation method is based on the University of Tokyo method of presenteeism (loss ratio) calculation, which is the most widely used method in Japan. Calculated by having an employee evaluate their own work in the past four weeks with the work they can perform in good health.

Preparation of “health white paper”

Taking the opportunity that the “Health Scoring Report” was launched by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and other organizations, J. Front Health Insurance Association (the “Association”) compiles a “health white paper” from fiscal year 2018 by “visualizing” the results of aggregation and analysis of the data on health examinations, etc. shared by the Association and companies in the Group by company in the Group, department store, gender and age.

Specifically, data on insured employees’ status of participation in health examinations, the status of those who have a risk of lifestyle diseases, the adoption status of appropriate lifestyles and the status of medical expenses are aggregated and analyzed and shared between the Association and the management teams of operating companies.

We will continuously prepare the “health white paper” and use it as an indicator to track the progress of improvement from the previous year. Based on the problems revealed by the “health white paper,” operating companies and the Association will work together to make employees healthy.

The health white paper includes:

Empowering diverse human resources to shine