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Environment Management System
Joined RE100
The Group joined RE100 (Renewable Energy 100) in October 2020. RE100 is a global initiative that aims to source 100% renewable energy to power business operations. Going forward, we will make proactive efforts across the Group to achieve our SBTi-approved targets by expanding the use of renewable energy and other means.

Approved by SBT Initiative
In fiscal 2021, in line with the advancement of our materialities, we raised our target for reducing 2030 Scope 1 and 2 emissions from the previous 40% reduction to a 60% reduction compared with fiscal 2017 (base year), and it was approved as the 1.5℃ target that is the new standard set by the SBTi. Moreover, in February 2023, we also obtained certification for the 2050 Net Zero Target for Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas emissions.
GHG emissions reduction targets approved by the SBTi
- Reach net-zero GHG emissions across our value chain by 2050
(Reduce Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions by 90% and neutralize residual emissions through absorption by afforestation, CCUS, etc.) - Reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 60% by fiscal 2030
- Reduce Scope 3 GHG emissions by 40% by fiscal 2030
* Co-founded in 2014 by CDP, UN Global Compact, WRI (World Resources Institute I), and WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) to enable companies to set ambitious emission reduction targets in line with the latest climate science.

Support for TCFD Recommendations
The Group expressed its support for the recommendations of the “Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)” that was established by the Financial Stability Board (TCFD recommendations) in May 2019.
And in Japan, the “TCFD Consortium” was launched on May 27, 2019 as an opportunity for holding discussions on effective corporate information disclosure and initiatives that lead disclosed information to financial institutions’ appropriate investment decision making and we participated in it. We actively join the working groups organized by the “TCFD Consortium” with the hope of leading it to constructive dialogue with investors and financial institutions.
We disclose information in line with the TCFD recommendations in our Securities Reports, Integrated Reports, Sustainability Reports and the website.

Target Setting by Each Operating Company
With the aim of achieving GHG emissions reduction targets, the Group holds the Sustainability Committee meetings, which are chaired by the President and Representative Executive Officer, semiannually to share the action plans of each operating company and manage the progress. In addition, the Board of Directors receives reports about what was discussed at the Sustainability Committee meetings and discusses and supervises the long-term goals on ESG issues and the progress of actions.
<Acquisition of ISO 14001>
Each operating company sets GHG emissions reduction targets separately. Consumer Product End-Use Research Institute have ISO 14001 certified environmental management systems and promote environmental activities such as annual external audits. *ISO 14001 acquired by one of 20 consolidated subsidiaries
Going forward, the Group will strive to strengthen governance in environmental management to achieve GHG emissions reduction targets.
Creation of Environmental Data Calculation and Aggregation Rules
The Group operates at more than 400 locations including department stores and offices in Japan and abroad. We have recognized we need a group-wide standardized system to calculate and aggregate environmental data, for example, accurately calculate GHG emissions at each operating company and location in the Group to achieve GHG emissions reduction targets. As part of building its foundation, we created Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions calculation and aggregation rules in June 2019.
Firstly, in this process, we set the scope of the calculation and aggregation of the Group’s Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions. We clarified the Group’s business locations, the period of time, and the types of emissions in Scope 1 and 2 to ensure the completeness of calculated and aggregated data on GHG emissions.
Next, we developed a system to manage the progress on GHG emissions on a monthly basis. We clarified the system to enter and check environmental data on a monthly basis, the way to manage the evidences that support actual energy use to ensure the accuracy of calculated and aggregated data on GHG emissions.
Going forward, we will introduce a system that centralizes the management of environmental data to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the calculation and aggregation of GHG emissions. Thereby we will strengthen governance to reduce GHG emissions.
In 2020, we introduced an environmental performance management system. Thereby the efficiency and accuracy of calculation and tabulation of GHG emissions will be improved and we will strengthen progress management by enhancing governance to reduce GHG emissions.
Acquisition of Third-Party Assurance

Independent assurance statement
The Group thinks it is important to ensure accuracy and reliability and receive recognition from a third-party organization concerning the effectiveness of the environmental management system, energy usage, and actual GHG emissions, which are disclosed to stakeholders, in order to reduce GHG emissions steadily. To this end, environmental data (Scope 1, 2 and 3, energy, water, and waste) and social data (the share of women in management positions, the employment rate of disabled people, the number of employees taking childcare leave, return rate after childcare leave, paternity leave usage rate, and the number of fatalities at work) have received independent third-party assurance from LRQA Limited to ensure reliability.
Environmental performance data for FY2023 (Scope 1 and 2)
The Group energy usage and GHG emissions
Unit |
FY2023 |
% YoY change |
Energy Usage* |
City gas |
MWh |
61,488 |
▲3.2 |
Heavy oil |
MWh |
52 |
▲20.0 |
gasoline |
MWh |
1,916 |
▲9.9 |
Natural gas |
MWh |
0 |
0 |
Light oil |
MWh |
28 |
▲72.6 |
Kerosene |
MWh |
0.1 |
- |
Electricity |
MWh |
297,828 |
▲2.4 |
Steam/cold water/hot water |
MWh |
60,848 |
2.5 |
Total |
MWh |
422,160 |
▲1.9 |
Ratio of renewable energy to rotal electricity usage* |
Usage |
MWh |
157,454 |
53.4 |
Renewable energy ratio |
% |
52.9 |
19.3 |
Scope1 and 2 GHG emissions* |
CO2 |
t-CO2 |
80,195 |
▲25.8 |
t-CO2 |
2,562 |
45.8 |
Total |
t-CO2 |
82,757 |
▲24.6 |
* Received third-party assurance from LRQA Limited.
The Group Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by operating company
FY2023 |
Emissions(t-CO2) |
% share |
% YoY |
Daimaru Matsuzakaya Department Stores Co.Ltd. *1 |
60,089 |
72.61 |
▲21.2 |
Parco Co.,Ltd. *2 |
21,963 |
26.54 |
▲32.4 |
J.Front City Development Co.,Ltd. |
244 |
0.29 |
- |
JFR Card Co.,Ltd. |
19 |
0.02 |
▲11.5 |
J. Front Design & Construction Co.,Ltd. |
78 |
0.09 |
▲6.5 |
Daimaru Kogyo,Ltd. *3 |
165 |
0.20 |
▲13.7 |
Consumer Product End-Use Research Institute Co.,Ltd. |
107 |
0.13 |
4.4 |
Angel Park Co.,Ltd. |
43 |
0.05 |
▲92.5 |
JFR Information Center Co.,Ltd. |
0 |
0.00 |
- |
XENOZ Co., Ltd. |
12 |
0.01 |
- |
J.Front Retailing Co.,Ltd. |
37 |
0.04 |
▲64.4 |
Total J.Front Retailing Group |
82,757 |
100.00 |
▲24.6 |
*1 Daimaru Matsuzakaya Tomonokai Co., Ltd., JFR Service Co. Ltd., The Hakata Daimaru, Inc., and
Kochi Daimaru Co., Ltd. are included.
*2 Parco Space Systems Co., Ltd., Parco Digital Marketing Co., Ltd., Parco (Singapore) Pte Ltd, are included.
*3 Daimaru Kogyo International Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Daimaru Kogyo (Thailand) Co., Ltd. are included.
Creating a society that co-exists with the environment
Aiming to Achieve Net Zero by 2050
Environment Management System
Information Disclosure in Line with TCFD Recommendations
The Circular Economy the Group aims to create
Proposal for Environment-Friendly Lifestyles
Reduction of Wastes and Water Usage
Information Disclosure in line with TNFD Recommendations (Biodiversity Conservation)
Environmental Data
Acquisition of Third-Party Assurance