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- Empowering diverse human resources to shine
- Human resources Strategy
Human resources Strategy
- Approach to Human Capital
- Personnel Management Based on the “Principle of Human Resource Capabilities“
- Governance
- Risk Perception
- Strategy
- Internal Environment Improvements
- Securing and Retaining Human esources
- Promotion of Physical and Mental Health
- Employee Engagement
- Reinforcement of Personnel Systems
- Metrics and targets
Approach to Human Capital
Uncertainty is on the rise as technology and other elements surrounding the Company advance and change at ever-increasing speeds. Amid such circumstances, we believe our human resources are the only ones who can pave the way for the Group’s future.
We consider JFR Group employees to be our most important partner in value co-creation. Accordingly, we aim to achieve the Group vision by making the “realization of employee Will” the driving force of the Company’s growth through the provision of systems and environments that support the full expression of each employee’s Will (will, drive, and intrinsic motivation) and by providing career development and other growth support to maximize their potential.
Personnel Management Based on the “Principle of Human Resource Capabilities“
Since FY2019, we have departed from a duty-based personnel system and began operating one based on our principle of “human resource capabilities.” Our distinct human resource management system promotes personal growth through work by properly assigning and evaluating our employees based on their abilities, which we refer to as human resource capabilities. These encompass visible aspects such as achievements, actions, knowledge, and skills, as well as intangible abilities, including human resource value, personality, values, temperament, aspirations, and interest. “Human resource value” comprises the perspective of reproductivity and versatility that leads to steady results and contributions under any circumstances (will, motivation, learning ability, innovation and creativity, influence, negotiation ability, and nurturing ability), and we have set the required level of reach stage.
Specific policies on sustainability initiatives, including responses to environmental and social issues, are discussed and approved by the Group Management Meeting, the highest decision-making body for business execution. Matters approved by the Group Management Meetings are shared with all operating companies via the Sustainability Committee, an advisory body to the President and Representative Executive Officer. In addition, the Sustainability Committee monitors the implementation plans and progress of each operating company to enhance the effectiveness of Group-wide initiatives.
Link:Creation of Sustainability Committee and Internal Dissemination Measures
Risk Perception
Going forward, if competition for human resources intensifies due to a shortage of workers caused by the shrinking of the working population and the increased mobility of talent, resulting in an increase in the brain drain or difficulty in acquiring talented people, it may not only affect our business performance but also our evolution into the “Value Co-Creation Retailer Group” that we aim to become in 2030. Our human resource strategy will develop change leaders, support voluntary learning by employees, and promote diversity, equity and inclusion to establish an environment where employees can experience growth and job satisfaction. We will also create a comfortable work environment while standing behind all employees so that everyone can work with vigor in good physical and mental health.
Link:Risk Management
●Human resource development policy
We support and accompany employees in learning and taking on challenges through the four processes of “Visualize,” “Gain Capabilities,” “Practice,” and “Extend” in the Will Realization Cycle, which starts from the will, drive, and intrinsic motivation of employees, and by implementing effective personnel measures for each of these processes. In addition, we will accelerate this cycle by practicing the JFR WAY—our important approach to achieving our vision.
Will Realization Cycle of Employees
〔1〕Support for self-discovery |
〔2〕Provision of opportunities to learn |
〔3〕Provision of opportunities to act |
〔4〕Celebration of challenges |
Investment in human resources
We will streamline our efforts to raise the standard across the board and focus our investment on selective and open recruitment-type curricula. In particular, we will focus on (1) early development and selection of young people, (2) revitalization through reskilling of middle-aged and senior employees approaching their second career, and (3) development of management resources.
Link:Support to Help Employees Develop Their Careers
Measures that encourage employees to take on challenges and put their Will into practice — RED —
The Group provides a place for employees to say, “I want to do this!” and the management and employees of the Group work together to support them in realizing their passionate ideas. The name “RED,” meaning “Realize Energetic Dream,” expresses a place where energetic people can make their passions come true.Since its launch in 2023, nine employees have taken up the challenge of using this system to realize their own dreams.

Internal Environment Improvements
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
We believe that incorporating a diverse range of individuality and converting that diversity into organizational strengths will lead to the realization of sustainable growth. To this end, we will eliminate unconscious bias stemming from age, gender, work styles, and other factors and promote and assign roles in line with the strengths and spirations of employees, from the selection and appointment of young people to the revitalization of middle-aged and senior employees. In other words, we will establish and environment where all employees can make the most of their individual characteristics and play an active role.
Link:Promoting Women's Empowerment
Securing human resources
Securing and expanding the human resources capable of creating the three co-creation values is essential for our evolution into a “Value Co-creation Retailer Group.” Toward this end, we are striving to strengthen the personnel system and expand paths to employment at the Company, such as through alumni and referrals, to enhance its recruiting capabilities.
Specifically, in addition to new graduates and young people, we have expanded our hiring targets to proactively acquire people with advanced expertise in real estate, banking and finance, and other areas. In the retail business, we will focus on hiring people who can create new content and services by grasping customer needs, and digital human talent who can lead our digital transformation.
In parallel, we are also working on wage policies and work environment improvements to support the retention of human resources.
Number of new graduate hires
New graduate hires |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
Total |
68 |
107 |
92 |
Male |
33 |
38 |
34 |
Female |
35 |
69 |
58 |
※New graduates enter the company in April each year
Turnover rate
Turnover rate |
2021 |
2022 |
2023 |
Employee turnover rate |
10.5% |
5.3% |
5.4% |
Turnover due to childcare and family care |
1.4% |
1.8% |
2.0% |
*2026 target: 5.3% or less
*Number of retired employees during the year / Number of employees at the beginning of the year (The number of retired employees above excludes employees who retired because of retirement age, transfer or becoming officers.)
Promotion of Physical and Mental Health
Physical and mental health are prerequisites for employees to remain energetic and take on challenges. We support the creativity and productivity of employees by conducting periodic surveys, sharing the results with management, departments, and employees, and carefully implementing the PDCA cycle of planning and executing actions that lead to improvement.
Link:Promoting Health and Productivity Management
Employee Engagement
We conduct surveys to understand employees' motivation toward their work and their engagement with the company. Since FY2023, we have conducted a group-wide standardized survey. The results of the survey are used to create a company in which every employee can demonstrate their abilities and play an active role.
Reinforcement of Personnel Systems
We will improve the expertise of the department and operational efficiency to help them respond quickly and appropriately to hiring, placement, training, evaluation and other real-world tasks. We are also striving to create a system that can contribute as a business partner to management and business unit managers.
Metrics and targets
Metrics | FY2023 results | FY2026 targets | ||
Ratio of women in management positions |
22.5% |
31% |
Gender wage gap |
All employees |
65.3% |
Reduce the gap by strengthening efforts to prevent career loss, including career development and training for women and management positions |
Regular employees |
74.4% |
Non-regular employees |
72.7% |
Ratio of men taking childcare leave |
87.5% |
95% |
Turnover rate |
5.4% |
5.3%or less |
- ※1 Ratio of women in management positions and gender wage gap calculated based on the provisions of the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life (Act No. 64 of 2015).
- ※2 Group totals, unless otherwise indicated.
- ※3 Gender wage gap shows the wages of female employees as a percentage of the wages of male employees.
- ※4 Metrics and targets as of May 2024; subject to addition or revision to align with future human resource strategy.
Empowering diverse human resources to shine
Human resources Strategy
Promoting Women's Empowerment
Employment of Disabled People
Promotion of the Elderly Empowerment
Actions on LGBT Issues
Human Rights and Labor-Management Relations
Initiatives to Realize Work-Life Integration
Promoting Health and Productivity Management
Support to Help Employees Develop Their Careers
Social Data
Acquisition of Third-Party Assurance